since 1973
Italsabi is a service company specialized in the execution of Non-Destructive Tests, heat treatments and industrial plant inspection. Established in 1973, it operates nationally and internationally with a widespread presence in the major chemical and petrochemical industrial centres. The company know-how achieved derives from experience gained in over 45 years of activity, a long period during which Italsabi has found its role on the NDT market. Italsabi operates according to its own Quality System, certified according to ISO 9001: 2015. Italsabi’s crew is made of qualified technicians according to ISO9712 and SNT-TC-1A in UT-VT-MT-PT-RT-PHASED ARRAY-TOFD methods. Italsabi has an internal written practice for the training and the qualification of its personnel according to the SNT-TC-1A ed. 2006 and 2011. Italsabi third level technicians provide the necessary support to our customers during the phases of ASME joint review.